
You can also find my papers on my Google Scholar profile.


  1. A Data-Driven Aggressive Autonomous Racing Framework Utilizing Local Trajectory Planning with Velocity Prediction

    Zhouheng Li, Bei Zhou, Cheng Hu, Lei Xie, Hongye Su

  2. An Overtaking Trajectory Planning Framework Based on Spatio-temporal Topology and Reachable Set Analysis Ensuring Time Efficiency

    Wule Mao, Zhouheng Li, Lei Xie, Hongye Su

  3. Learning to Race in Extreme Turning Scene with Active Exploration and Gaussian Process Regression-based MPC

    Guoqiang Wu, Cheng Hu, Wangjia Weng, Zhouheng Li, Yonghao Fu, Lei Xie, Hongye Su

Conference Papers

  1. Reduce Lap Time for Autonomous Racing with Curvature-Integrated MPCC Local Trajectory Planning Method

    Zhouheng Li, Lei Xie, Cheng Hu, Hongye Su

  2. An aggressive cornering framework for autonomous vehicles combining trajectory planning and drift control

    Wangjia Weng, Cheng Hu, Zhouheng Li, Hongye Su, Lei Xie

Journal Papers

  1. A rapid iterative trajectory planning method for automated parking through differential flatness

    Zhouheng Li, Lei Xie, Cheng Hu, Hongye Su